Bath tub "DROVA" №1485
- Working hours:
- Mon: from 12:00 to 00:00
- Tue: from 12:00 to 00:00
- Wed: from 12:00 to 00:00
- Thu: from 12:00 to 00:00
- Fri: from 12:00 to 00:00
- Sat: from 12:00 to 00:00
- Sun: from 12:00 to 00:00
The DROVA Bath Vat is a unique combination of traditional bathing pleasures and modern conveniences. It is ideal for small gatherings, accommodating up to 8 people, making it the perfect choice for a gathering with friends or a special event. The heart of the bathhouse is the Chan, which provides an unforgettable steam experience, allowing you to relax and rejuvenate.
The focus is on comfort and convenience. Bath vat "DROVA" includes a relaxation area with a fireplace, where you can relax after the steam, enjoying the warm fire and listening to music on the audio equipment. For a more complete relaxation there is a comfortable font that allows you to plunge into the cool water after the sauna. Don't forget the summer veranda and terrace, which offer you privacy and tranquility, allowing you to enjoy the fresh air at any time of the year.
There is also a barbecue for cooking delicious barbecue, as well as all the necessary utensils for the convenience of guests. The gorgeous recreation room with cozy furniture is perfect for spending long evenings with friends. The administrator is always ready to help and provide a comfortable stay for each guest. And, of course, you can't do without the traditional bathing hats, which give the whole experience of the true Russian bathing ritual. DROVA bathhouse is an ideal place for those who are looking for relaxation, comfort and quality steam.
Description of the hall
Вас вітає Банний чан «DROVA»
У чому плюси банного чана?
Купання в чані безсумнівно принесе величезне задоволення. Процес схожий на купання в гарячому джерелі. Особливу насолоду від купання це коли на вулиці мінусова температура.
Ще важливо (і доведено лікарями) : це корисно для здоров'я - підвищує імунітет, виводить токсини, заспокоює і зміцнює нервову систему, сприятливо впливає на шкіру. А посилити лікувальний ефект можна, додаючи в воду різні трави, солі або ефірні масла для сауни.
При цьому чан виграє у звичній лазні через рівномірного прогрівання тіла.
Зазвичай після процедур в банному чані люди кажуть, що ніби народилися наново. Погодьтеся, звучить заманливо!
Chan bath
to 8 people
Font, Shower
Summer terrace, Terrace
Private with video surveillance
Administrator, Grill, Restroom, Dishes, Fireplace
Saunas accessories
Caps, Slippers
Audio equipment, WIFI
Reviews (9)
The cabin has everything!!!!
Special thanks to tactful, benevolent owner.
All are welcome;)
Come back for more!)
You are always welcome! Come again!)))
You are always welcome!!!;)
You are always welcome!)
Nice to see you again)