Treatment Effect of the Bath

Bath (or sauna) - a great way to keep the body in good shape. Many centuries ago, our ancestors used the steam room not only to cleanse the body, but also to improve health. Under the influence of high temperature, all processes in the human body are accelerated, which contributes to its purification. If you like to visit the bath facilities, most likely in your life are accompanied by two inseparable concepts - bath and health.

Going to the sauna has also a healing effect. With the help of bath procedures, a number of diseases can be cured, such as: osteochondrosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, the common cold and many others. For more effective therapy with the help of bath procedures, it is recommended to consult a doctor. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to visit the steam room for people with any inflammatory process in the body, otherwise you risk to make the problem worse. But if you are convinced that there are no contraindications, you can combine business with pleasure - have a good rest and undergo a treatment session in the bath.

What organ systems are affected by the bath (sauna) atmosphere?

  1. Respiratory - with the help of high temperature and steam, the body warms up, there is a massage and inhalation effect on the upper respiratory tract. In conditions of low oxygen levels breathing quickens. Thus, it is possible to treat cough and runny nose in the bath..
  2. Musculoskeletal system - radiculitis or other problems with the spine can be cured if the lower back or problem areas on the spine are properly steamed. Also, to cure diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, you can use the dry air bath (sauna). It is recommended to visit the sauna also to heal rheumatism..
  3. Cardiovascular - the high temperature accelerates the heartbeat by two times, which contributes to a better blood supply to all organs, and an abrupt change in temperature (a warm steam room and a cold pool) serves as an excellent training for the vessels. But do not forget that there are contraindications for people who have serious health problems - poor circulation, hypertension, high blood pressure, heart disease..
  4. Digestive - staying in the steam room helps to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, improve digestion..
  5. Covering - bath procedures have the greatest effect on the skin. Contribute to its cleansing, rejuvenation (by improving the work of the sebaceous glands) and even help cure diseases. Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis are indications for the use of dry air bath..
  6. Nervous - bath procedures promote relaxation of the nervous system, relieve fatigue, increase efficiency..

Often steam room is used to treat colds. Some tips for treating colds:

  1. It is important to remember that visiting a bath to maintain health and neutralize cold symptoms is possible only at the initial or final stage of the disease..
  2. Sometimes for recovery it is quite and easy to lie on the top shelf and how to warm up..
  3. A good remedy for colds is a massage with a broom (lime, birch or eucalyptus)..
  4. You can also resort to rubbing with the help of special tools..
  5. Do not underestimate the role of medicinal drinks and aromatherapy.

Therefore, a visit to the bath is suitable not only for the prevention of disease, strengthen the immune system, but also for treatment. The healing process will be more effective if you pay attention to the features of the two main types - dry air and steam - and consult your doctor for more detailed advice.

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