Differences and Features of Dry and Wet Saunas

There are many different types of steam rooms. Some of them were created by our ancestors, and some - the invention of modernity. Russian, Turkish, Finnish and infrared saunas - each of these types has its own characteristics; in something better, but in something inferior to another. The main criterion for the difference is the presence of dry or wet steam. It is this, first of all, that will help you decide which type is right for you.

What is the difference? Consider each of these species separately.

Dry sauna. If we are talking about dry steam, then, obviously, we mean that the air humidity is minimal (20 - 30%). At the same time, the air temperature can reach 100 and more. It is this air that allows a person to withstand high temperatures without harm to health (the body can cool unhindered). While staying indoors with minimal humidity, the body is cleansed, a protective shell is formed around the skin, which cannot be damaged. Therefore, in the sauna is strictly forbidden to use a bath besom. What is useful dry sauna? It is recommended to visit this particular type of steam rooms for people with skin diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as those who are going to lose those extra pounds. Accelerates metabolism and helps calm the nervous system. If you are an athlete and want to rest and recover from a workout, this is a great option. Air Hot Bath is great for beginners. Finnish sauna is a bright representative of dry-air steam rooms.

Wet bath. Differs maximum humidity (up to 100%). The temperature should be about 60 ℃. Wet steam in the bath warms the body much deeper, its action is comparable with the effect of inhalation. Improves the healing effect of the use of a broom and essential oils. The benefits of a wet sauna will bring people with respiratory problems. It is used as a co-agent during the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatic diseases (except the acute phase), neurasthenia. But it is important to remember that it is dangerous to stay in the steam room for more than 20 minutes in a row. In such conditions, the body is more difficult to cool, increasing the load on the cardiovascular system. During your stay in such a place it is recommended to use a special cap for the head to avoid overheating. Representatives of a wet sauna include Turkish and Russian steam baths.

Despite clear differences, usually some types of steam rooms leave it possible to regulate the degree of air humidity. The more water you pour on the heat or hot stones, the higher this figure. Also combines two types of cooling option. Visitors to the Russian bath are usually dipped into an ice hole or a lake to reduce body temperature and exercise thermoregulation. More modern saunas are equipped with a pool.

In general, it is difficult to say what is more beneficial - a dry or wet sauna. It all depends on the personal preferences and abilities of each person. The main thing is that the process brings pleasure and does not harm health.

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