The Personal Bath Attendant or the Bath Broom Handling Requirements

Some fans of bath procedures cannot imagine a visit to the steam room without the use of a broom. However, many people deny themselves this pleasure, because they do not tolerate the presence of an outsider, whipping them with a broom.

In order to fully enjoy the trip to your favorite place and experience all the delights of its procedures, it is necessary to learn to bathe with a broom independently. Lie on the shelf in a horizontal position, slightly bend your knees and start stroking them with a broom. Stop in the pelvic area. Massage the front and back surfaces several times. Lifting the broom from the hips on the sides and abdomen, go to the chest area. Alternately lifting up your hands, pat the broom on the hands and shoulders. In order to steam the back and pelvis, you need to turn from side to side. The neck can be steamed in a sitting position.

Having finished with stroking, you can start patting in the same order. At the final stage, rubbing is applied.

Areas of the body that are subjected to the greatest stress and disturb with unpleasant sensations should be steamed with particular care. The speed of the broom movement is inversely proportional to the temperature in the steam room. Broom should almost merge with the body, become unified whole with it. If the temperature in the sauna has decreased, the speed of movement can be increased, and the instrument must be left up from time to time.

Don't suppose that independent massage with a broom will bring as sharp feelings, as traditional with the bath attendant. These two procedures are quite different from each other. The method and angle of their implementation are completely different. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to reach certain parts of the body. Although the self-massage has its advantages: you can control the force of your movements and not bring to the appearance of bruises.

Whether you decide to perform an independent massage with a broom or invite a professional bath attendant for this procedure, the main thing is that visiting the sauna brings only healthiness and the most positive emotions.

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