Steam room
Aqua zone
Saunas accessories

Discounts and promotions for saunas in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Total promotions and discounts14

Sixth hour for free

Gift Certificate

Ahead of the New Year holidays, please yourself and your loved ones!!!! By purchasing a gift certificate for 100,200 or 500 UAH, you can visit a cozy sauna, relax and retire with your soulmate in the relaxation room, swim in the pool and just sit with friends in a warm atmosphere. The price of a gift certificate for 100 UAH is 20 UAH, for 200 - 40 UAH, for 500 - 60 UAH. All remaining questions by phone.

discount for regular customers

Discount birthday

Upon presentation of documents confirming the date of birth, one day before and after the birthday 10% discount


When ordering all night, a 30% discount

Birthday - 20%

To celebrate your birthday, there is a wonderful custom, and this is a great reason to gather all your friends... in the Niagara sauna We invite you to spend your birthday at the Niagara Hotel-Sauna and present you with a 20% discount! - the minimum ordering time is 2 hours. - The discount applies only to the payment for the time spent in the sauna Terms of action: - You must be at least 18 years old. - You must show your passport when booking. - The date of the visit must be no later than 1 week after the date of the birthday. - Advance booking is desirable

The Breeze sauna has an accumulative discount system.

Discount 10% for regular client


Get the second as a gift, when buying 1 hour,

Bachelor-hen-party - 20%


10% discount on sauna visits on weekdays from 9.00-12.00 * Room reservation for at least 3 hours

New customers

New customers one steaming free